For charities, Nobleis understands nonprofit organization works tirelessly to achieve their mission, often with limited staff and resources. That’s why Nobleis covers over 1.5 million 501c3 nonprofits in the U.S. and Canada without any setup fee or onboard processes. Our unique, innovative, and hassle-free peer-to-peer fundraising and crowdfunding platform empower you to gather supporters around your cause, fundraise, and boost your charitable organization’s visibility.
We Make Your Fundraising Ideas & Activities A Reality
Nobleis currently offers our unique, innovative, and hassle-free peer-to-peer fundraising and crowdfunding platform to over 1.5 million 501(c)(3) nonprofits in the U.S. and Canada to acquire, motivate and empower potential donor prospects to fundraise and gather supporters around their cause to boost their charitable organization’s visibility.
Every nonprofit should focus on having more users support their mission and help spread the word. Every user on Nobleis is a charity supporter encouraging other community members to become advocates to raise more money and promote awareness of their favorite charities.
It‘s in the best interest of every nonprofit to strive to be picked as the favorite charity of users to support and raise money for. These users mobilize their legions of friends to help spread the word.
Is your charity looking for additional channels to raise money?
Passionate and engaged users supporting your charity will mobilize their legions of friends through social media to help spread the word about your cause and raise more money for your nonprofit. To bolster your fundraising and maximize your organization’s impact, engage with Nobleis’s dedicated nonprofit team to get more users to choose your nonprofit as their favorite charity. We have many years of experience working with a diverse group of nonprofits. We can create effective campaigns to help you attract more users and cultivate meaningful constituents relationships to accomplish your fundraising goals.
Supercharge Your Nonprofit’s Fundraising: Charity Spotlight Opportunities
Have your nonprofit organization stand out from the crowd of over 1.5 million charities by being featured as Spotlight Charity.
Spotlight charities provide a quick option for users to pick their chosen charity to support. Instead of searching by charity name, charity’s unique EIN, or advanced search, many users prefer to quickly select one of the featured charities from the list of our spotlight charities to support.
Cobranding opportunities are available to stay relevant and in touch with your current supporters and donors by utilizing professional, personalized messages via email, SMS, in-app notifications, and popup windows.
Spotlight charities are limited to a few available spots and displayed randomly for easy picking when users select a favorite charity to support.
Charity spotlights are also displayed randomly on every one of our charity info pages, allowing users to effortlessly switch from their charity of choice to one of the spotlight charities.
Sponsorship Opportunities for in-person or virtual events
Sponsoring and hosting an event can empower your nonprofit’s event experiences and increase supporter engagement.
Nobleis helps your nonprofit create and manage your special in-person or virtual events. They offer a place to meet and discuss your cause with your constituents. Events can help you build relationships, helping potential donors feel connected with your cause. Identify potential future donors based on event engagement.
Nobleisi offers events and activities held in local areas where members can meet other members face-to-face or virtually. These events and icebreaker activities are fun and low pressure for members to meet in their area. Our users are informed of events via email and notifications on our app and website if members meet the event requirements of gender, interests, age, and location.
Diseases, Disorders, Medical Disciplines
Animal – Related
Environmental Quality, Protection and Beautification
Health – General and Rehabilitative
Arts – Culture and Humanities
Food – Agriculture and Nutrition
International, Foreign Affairs and National Security
Mental Health, Crisis Intervention
Public Safety, Disaster Preparedness and Relief
science and Technology Research Institutes, Services
Human Services – Multipurpose and Other
Housing, Shelter
Civil Rights, Social Action, advocacy
Philanthropy, Voluntarism and Grantmaking Fundations
Community Improvement, Capacity Building
Educational Institutions and Related Activities
Religion-Related, Spiritual Development
Recreation, Sports, Leisure, Athletics
Employment, Job-Related
Mutual/Membership Benefit Organizations, Other
Youth Development
Medical Research
People Help
Checkout our Charities and Ambassadors page